Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

After a crazy, busy day yesterday I did not have time to post. But I want to send out a special thank you to my husband on his first father's day! You have made me the happiest girl in the world, and I am so blessed that I have you. I know that because of you, our little mister will know exactly what it means to be a man, a husband and and a daddy. Thank you for getting up with him in the middle of the night, and for changing poopy diapers. You mean so much to us! (And Snoop too!) We love you!

Friday, June 8, 2012

High Five for Friday!

I'm linking up again with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday!

Here are my top 5 things from this week:

1. Little mister had a dr appt this morning, and he is growing like a weed and is right on track with everything! He was of course flirting with the nurses, and giving them all of his biggest smiles.

2. This apple pie dip. I'm eating it as I'm typing this. If you haven't tried must. This weekend. Or right now!

3. The weather. It has been in the 80's all week, and I'm loving it!

4. Banana spice cookies from a favorite blog. I'm getting the ingredients tonight so that I can make them tomorrow! No sugar, and no flour!

5. I found out that I am not a procrastinator anymore. I've been working ahead on my homework for the past few weeks, so that I can enjoy the weekends!

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

We have a new friend!

We have a new friend living in our backyard. On Monday, I thought I saw a snake in the backyard...all I saw was his little head, and some stripes on the back. So...for the past three days I have been feeling so creepy I have something crawling (or slithering!!) on me. Ugh. I am so scared and grossed out by snakes, so I've been trying not to think about it. Today though, I wanted to check out my garden, and needed to see if I needed to water it or not. So, my younger sister and I went into the back...very carefully and slowly! I was looking at our steps, where I saw it the first time when...I see this cute little gopher sitting on our steps! Turns out we do NOT have a snake, but a little cutie, who I am still a little afraid of. I'm hoping to get some pictures this week, and then you can see for yourself. Hopefully he doesn't eat my plants...but other than that I don't mind having him around at all!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hey Cutie!

Hey Cutie!
Look how cute you are in your shorts. I'm loving your chubby legs...and cheeks...and your big baby belly! You are so stinking cute, and I'm pretty sure you know it. You are so smiley and happy, and you have the cutest "fake" laugh. Snoop likes to come up to you and lick your sweaty head when you're eating, and boy do you love him! You are pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING lately, and I wish you would just slow down a little bit. You're going to be grown up before I know it. Oh! And, you looove giving big, sloppy kisses. That's probably my favorite thing that you're doing right now.
Love you!