Thursday, April 4, 2013

I swear...I have good intentions...

Seriously. I do have good intentions and make a goal/plan to blog at least 3 times per week. Rarely does that happen...until I get the itch to start blogging again. So it's been about 4 months since the last one, and here I am. Lets see how long it will last this time! :)

I have started with Money Saving Mom's 30-day house cleaning challenge. That means that after 30 days, I will have a PERFECTLY cleaned house! Ha...not. BUT I'm hoping that it will give me motivation to keep my house case anyone decides to drop by unexpectedly. Then I won't be embarassed!

Day one: kitchen and living room
This went took me three days to thoroughly clean my kitchen. Not that it was THAT dirty...I just had to keep washing the dishes before I could wipe down the counter. I have found though that if I keep my dishes washed every night, that it is absolutely wonderful to wake up and come downstairs in the morning. I actually feel like cooking breakfast!
Here's what I did:
Washed the dishes
Wiped down the counters
Wiped off the stove
What I still need to do:
Sweep and wash the floor (as I write child is throwing his lunch on the floor... :))
Clean out the fridge and wipe everything down...including the outside

Day 2: Bathroom
Easy, easy, easy. I clean my bathroom once a week it just needed a good wipe down.
Here's what I did:
Wiped down the sink
Cleaned the toilet
Cleaned shower
Swept and washed the floor
Cleaned mirror
What I still need to do:
Wash the rug that goes into the bathroom...but today is laundry day!

Day 3: Bedroom
Yikes. This day did not go well. Our room looks like we moved in a week ago...we still have boxes in there, unpacked, from when we moved!
Here's what I did:
Picked up dirty clothes
What I still need to do:
Wash sheets
Organize/go through boxes
Wipe windows and TV

It seems like a lot, but I try to do a few minutes here and there through out the day.
I will TRY to post an update later, with pictures!

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