Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sweet babies

A few weeks ago, we had to take our computer in to get fixed. Turns out it needed a new hard drive. That meant that it was going to wipe away all of our pictures, and other documents off of our computer. It wasn't too big of a deal since we had everything backed up already.


Brand New. Sweet baby boy.
The other day though, I plugged in the memory card, and uploaded all of the pictures from our camera. It has been FOREVER since I had done that. I have been looking through all of our pictures from the previous year and a half. It has been fun, but also kind of sad. I don't know where time has gone! My 2 year old boy used to be a baby! I don't know how he grew up so fast, and I don't know how I remember so little of his babyhood (is that a word?).

It made me think about what other things had been taking up my time during that time period. Things like...facebook, pinterest, cleaning my house, trying new recipes, etc. Too many things had captured my attention, and made me pay less attention to him. My heart aches. I want those memories back. I wish I had been on the floor playing with him more than I did. He should have had almost my full attention.

First Birthday
In a way, it's a good thing that I noticed this. Yes, it makes me sad. It also makes me want to do better. Better with both of my children. So, this means that I'm going to take less time for facebook. Less time pinning things. More time painting TOGETHER, or reading more books. More time just watching my babies, who are growing up right in front of me. I won't let me babies grow up without me knowing, until it's too late.

Last year at Christmastime
Just a couple of weeks ago

Monday, December 2, 2013

Three months

I cannot believe that this beautiful girl is already three months old.
I have no idea where time went...or how it flew by so fast. In the past three months I have:
*Slept less. A lot less.
*Gotten my exercise in by doing a lot of bouncing and swaying
Nursed a hungry baby girl...I thought about trying to get
 an estimate on how many times, but my poor tired brain
can't handle that!
*Taken a lot of naps
*Gotten in lots of extra (and much needed!)snuggle
time with a certain 2 year old
*Not showered every day....
*Left dirty dishes ALL over the counter
*Fed my child frozen waffles for supper (which I am actually totally
fine with...once in awhile)
*Stared at my baby girl for hours on end. She is seriously the prettiest
thing I have ever seen.

Life is good. Busy, stressful and tiring, but oh so good.
Happy three months Little Miss.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, a day late!

I have SO many things to be thankful for this year...
1. My babies


2. My husband

3.  Extended family
4. Friends
5. Pets
6. A warm home
7. Good food to eat
8. Mike's job
9. Cars that run, and have heat
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with your family and friends. We had a great time, and of course we ate WAY too much. Now, onto Christmas decorating!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


A lot has happened since the last time I wrote! One big thing, in particular...we had a baby! Please meet, our Little Miss!

She was born on Labor day, at 11:46pm.
Labor started at about 4am, with contractions coming fairly regularly. We timed them throughout the day, but halfway through the day, things seemed to slow down. My midwife said that the was on the wrong side, and that my labor probably wouldn't progress until she switched sides.

We walked around the mall for awhile, and then dropped our little mister with grandma so that I could go home and rest for awhile. A couple of hours later, my midwife said to come in so that I could at least know where we were at. We got there and I was only at a 4. Pretty disappointing, since I had been having contractions for about 14 hours at that point. We walked (RAN!) the halls/stairs in the hospital, hoping that would get me far enough to be admitted...I did NOT want to go back home!

After walking for about an hour, we went back to labor and delivery. Contractions were coming faster and stronger, so I was hoping that meant things were moving along. I was between 5-6cm. They decided to admit me, and once they did that, things REALLY got moving! Once we got into our room I could hardly move without having a contraction, and was in quite a bit of pain. I was able to get into the tub almost immediately, and was able to relax for about 2 minutes. My midwife was awesome and just let me do my own thing. I was able to go with what my body was telling me to do, and after 25 minutes of pushing, our baby girl was here!

Mike was able to "catch" our little miss, and cut the umbilical cord. Our hospital was so wonderful...we were able to keep the baby with us for all of her testing and check ups, I was able to nurse her right away, and I was able to SHOWER right away!!
It was a really wonderful, painful, totally worth it birth, and we are SO thankful that we have a healthy and happy baby girl.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


With this pregnancy, I have had no desire to eat healthfully. And yes, I know that that is THE more important thing that you can do for yourself and your child while you're pregnant...but dangit, I'm just so hungry for junk food! I'm talking, frozen pizza, cheetos, candy, cake, cookies-you name it.
It's frustrating to me, because I know better...but the cravings are so strong that I almost NEED those foods. Can anyone relate?
In the beginning of this pregnancy, I did a lot of research and reading on the best foods to eat while pregnant, and came across this article. I loved that it was all real food, and a very simple diet. I've gone back to it numerous times, just for a little bit of motivation.
I have also been reading through The Birth Book, by Dr. Sears and his wife, where they give more information on eating a balanced diet. If you're pregnant and haven't read this it. It is by far the best book that I read on birth.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Another list

Are you a list maker? I for one LOVE making lists! The feeling of crossing off a task, and knowing that you have accomplished something gives me a feeling of...relief. Lately, I have been making lists upon lists, weekly menus, To Do lists for every day, To Do lists for the coming weeks, freezer meal lists, cleaning lists, etc. Seriously...I love making lists!

Here's what is on my "daily to-do list"

-wipe out counters and sinks
-pick up toys, anything out of place,

It's really simple, but IF I do these three things every day, I feel less stressed out, and am more likely to be productive in other areas during the day.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Life has been busy, busy , busy lately. Isn't summer always that way?
Here's what I've been up to:

-Growing baby #2 (boy or girl...what's your guess??)
-Pinteresting (is that a word?) way too many things during nap time
-The usual, cooking and cleaning
-Coming up with new activities to keep my little mister busy
-Trying to stay cool
-Drinking water
-Attempting to sleep
-Watching Ugly Betty
-Going to a Tuesday night Bible Study at my church

Those seem to be things that keep popping up lately...especially the whole nesting thing. I didn't really have any urge to "nest" with my little mister, but for some reason, with this one I can't seem to clean enough!

What have you been up to lately?

Friday, June 14, 2013

High Five for Friday!

It's been awhile since I have done one of these...but I've been following Kate's blog a lot lately, and remembered that she does this every Friday! goes:

1. Father's day is this weekend! I'm looking forward to celebrating with Mike and my dad. We plan to go to a parade on Sunday, and then to the zoo with our little mister, and then will finish the weekend off at a stay in a hotel.

2. I've been on pinterest lately, searching for ideas to keep my little man busy this summer. I have found a lot of good ideas, and have pinned them ALL! I can't wait until we have a warm, sunny day and I can get him outside. Here's the link to my summer pinterest board. PS- while you're there...check out the great recipes too!

3.Yesterday morning, the sun was out and it was a beautiful 55 degrees at about 6:15, so I got up a little early and took Katie for a walk. She's not a great walker, but it sure was nice to breathe in the fresh air!

4. Naps. I have taken 2 naps already this week! That's all.

5. I bought some poppers at walmart this week for little mister to play with...and he LOVED them! His laugh totally cracked me up, and boy is he sure looking old. Where did my tiny baby go???

I'm linking up over here this week!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I swear...I have good intentions...

Seriously. I do have good intentions and make a goal/plan to blog at least 3 times per week. Rarely does that happen...until I get the itch to start blogging again. So it's been about 4 months since the last one, and here I am. Lets see how long it will last this time! :)

I have started with Money Saving Mom's 30-day house cleaning challenge. That means that after 30 days, I will have a PERFECTLY cleaned house! Ha...not. BUT I'm hoping that it will give me motivation to keep my house case anyone decides to drop by unexpectedly. Then I won't be embarassed!

Day one: kitchen and living room
This went took me three days to thoroughly clean my kitchen. Not that it was THAT dirty...I just had to keep washing the dishes before I could wipe down the counter. I have found though that if I keep my dishes washed every night, that it is absolutely wonderful to wake up and come downstairs in the morning. I actually feel like cooking breakfast!
Here's what I did:
Washed the dishes
Wiped down the counters
Wiped off the stove
What I still need to do:
Sweep and wash the floor (as I write child is throwing his lunch on the floor... :))
Clean out the fridge and wipe everything down...including the outside

Day 2: Bathroom
Easy, easy, easy. I clean my bathroom once a week it just needed a good wipe down.
Here's what I did:
Wiped down the sink
Cleaned the toilet
Cleaned shower
Swept and washed the floor
Cleaned mirror
What I still need to do:
Wash the rug that goes into the bathroom...but today is laundry day!

Day 3: Bedroom
Yikes. This day did not go well. Our room looks like we moved in a week ago...we still have boxes in there, unpacked, from when we moved!
Here's what I did:
Picked up dirty clothes
What I still need to do:
Wash sheets
Organize/go through boxes
Wipe windows and TV

It seems like a lot, but I try to do a few minutes here and there through out the day.
I will TRY to post an update later, with pictures!